
Showing posts from 2015

Operations Strategy

Operations Strategy Why we might be interested in Operations Strategy Operations Strategy is one of the most important categories for organizations (firms), which apply Operations Management, aimed at cost-effective adaptation under demand changes. Individual efforts to influence the cost, quality and availability and to reach organization's goals are usually wasted. To start determining Operations Strategy in an organization properly we must know the meaning of a strategy and main features of operations strategy. We have to understand how Operations Strategy links with organizational value and competitive strategy and overall business strategy. What questions sould be asked and considered by firm's managers and experts.

Scalability in Operations Management

Scalability What is it? It seems that this term, Scalability , is used by managers rarely. However you can meet it within MOOC courses, devoted to business and operations management or manufacturing systems. According to the analysis of publication ( Putnik et al., 2013 ) Scalability within the manufacturing community has started to gain major attention since approximately the year 2000. G. Putnik and co-authors depicted dynamics of number of papers by the search terms ‘scalability AND manufacturing’ in world leading publishers’ collections such, as Elsevier, Springer, T&F, Wiley, Emerald, JSTOR, ACM, and IEEE. You may see that the number increased from about 200 to nearly 1600 over the period 2000-2012. Search results found for two queries and on have showed rise in the quantity of scientific papers (Fig.1). Search terms included all sources by categories Business, Management and Accounting, Decision Sciences, Economics, Econometrics

SCM categories

Supply Chain Management (SCM) has been developed progressively for several last decades. Researchers had been taking into account many different aspects that gave new categories such, as: Supply Chain Design, Lean SCM, Sustainable SCM and Green SCM. Supply Chain Management Let's take a look at some categories for supply chain management (SCM). But firstly there is a simple definition of supply chain

Оборачиваемость запасов

Основные подходы и способы определения оборачиваемости запасов Запасы - это замороженные средства, это деньги, которыми нельзя пользоваться. Денежные средства, замороженные в товарных запасах длительное время, могли бы приносить прибыль при более рациональном их использовании. Тем более, если эти деньги были одолжены у банка под проценты - тогда существует обоснованный риск того, что в итоге проценты по кредиту превысят прибыль от реализации товарных запасов. Предпочтительно иметь больше свободных средств путем ускорения оборачиваемости запасов. Оборачиваемость товарных запасов.        Учитывают несколько видов оборачиваемости запасов: - оборачиваемость каждого наименования товара в количественном выражении (по штукам, по объему, по массе и т.д); - оборачиваемость каждого наименования товара по стоимости; - оборачиваемость совокупности наименований или всего запаса в количественном выражении; - оборачиваемость совокупности позиций или всего запаса по стоимости.     

What is model?

model 1. Graphical, mathematical (symbolic), physical, or verbal representation or simplified version of a concept, phenomenon, relationship, structure, system, or an aspect of the real world. The objectives of a model include 1) to facilitate understanding by eliminating unnecessary components, 2) to aid in decision making by simulating 'what if' scenarios, 3) to explain, control, and predict events on the basis of past observations. Since most objects and phenomenon are very complicated (have numerous parts) and much too complex (parts have dense interconnections) to be comprehended in their entirety, a model contains only those features that are of primary importance to the model maker's purpose. Models range from simple sketches to computer programs with millions of lines of code, but all of them have one thing in common: some elements of the actual 'thing' are abstracted or mapped (see mapping) into the model. Models are divided into three c

BizAgi - рекомендации

Советы, которые могут пригодиться для имитации модели бизнес-процесса в BizAgi. BizAgi рекомендации 1. После того, как диаграмма BPMN построена, сделайте Валидацию модели (Validate All). В случае ошибок, программа внизу покажет их список. Двойной клик по ошибке в данном списке, как правило, показывает "ошибочный" элемент на диаграмме.

Digital Marketing: 5 interesting key points

If you are intending to promote a brand you should look at Digital and Social Media Marketing as the form of possible promotion channels, and the choice of it is up to you. There is something interesting in Digital Marketing. Digital Marketing overview What it is If you are intending to promote a brand you should look at Digital and Social Media Marketing as the form of possible promotion channels, and the choice of it is up to you. According to the Digital Marketing Institute , Digital Marketing is the use of digital channels to promote or market products and services to consumers and businesses.